The Boy Holding Rooster

4.500 $

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The Boy holding a Rooster is a wish for great luck and fortune. The painting depicts a chubby boy holding a rooster next to a pot of chrysanthemums, expressing the wish to give birth to a healthy son, who will grow up to be successful and glorious… The big rooster in Chinese is read as “Dai Ke” which is homophonous with “Dai Cat”, meeting great joy, luck, and goodness. It implies bringing wishes of great luck and fortune to the family. In addition, the rooster is also a symbol of courage and five noble virtues of human beings: Humanity – Justice – Propriety – Wisdom – Trust. The chubby boy holding a rooster with a pot of blooming chrysanthemums behind: Expressing the wish to reproduce, the desire to give birth to a healthy boy. When he grows up, he will become successful and glorious. And a person with all five noble virtues is like a brave rooster.